Seasonal Pest Round-Up

Summer is prime pest season with flies, wasps and mosquitoes buzzing freely through open doors and windows. Rats and mice also roam around gardens, grassy lawns and open fields. However, just because the weather is getting colder, don’t think that those pesky pests will be gone for good. Many undesirable critters that you detest are even more likely to seek warmth and shelter indoors when the season turns.

Pests to watch out for:

1. Mice – As the name suggests, the house mouse is the most common of the home invading mice. They may look cute but not when they are seeking warm shelter in YOUR humble abode.

2. Rats – Definitely not as cute as the house mouse. Keep your eyes peeled for these rodents this winter.

3. Bed bugs – You may want something extra in bed with you to keep you warm this winter. However, these miniature pests are the last thing you want making themselves comfortable in your duvet.

4. Firewood pests – A wood-burning stove or fireplace can create a great deal of warmth and comfort in your home. However the firewood that is brought in from outside for that fire can also bring with it a number of household pests.


Thankfully, the invasion of the above pests can be controlled. The best method is making sure you are sanitary and keep everything fresh and clean – especially when it comes to bed bugs, rats and mice. These little creatures are always in search of food so make sure you keep your kitchen clean and don’t leave any leftovers lying around.


If you have got any unwanted house guests that you are struggling to get rid of, it’s time to get the professionals in. Give us a call today on 01273 775941 or 01444 616832.

Posted in pestcontrol, Rats.