More Facts About Wasps You Probably Didn’t Know

For last couple of months we’ve been posting a lot of information about wasps and the problems they cause in Sussex. You can learn about the lifecycle of a wasp, find out how to remove a wasp’s nest (and why you’d want to leave it to a professional) and even some of the myths surrounding wasps and wasp stings.

So continue on our quest to be your source of information about all things wasp, here are some more facts about the wasp that you might like to know:

  1. – Wasps can have a useful purpose. They can help pollunate our native plants and flowers.
  2. – The first instance of a fatal wasp sting was in 3000 bc. The victim was King Menes of Egypt!
  3. – Vinegar will most likely aggrevate a wasp sting.
  4. – Eleven species of Wasp are found in Europe. But most of the problems are caused by two: The Common Wasp and the German Wasp.
  5. – From when the Queen wasp selects her nest site, the first generation of worker wasps emerge
  6. – The first few generations of wasps in a nest are all female. The male wasps emerge later in the season

Are there any facts you can add to the list?

Or do you have any interesting wasp stories to share? Leave your comments below and we’ll add them to the blog in the next post.

Posted in pestcontrol.