Protect your business with a regular pest control agreement

As a business owner, perhaps of a restaurant or hotel, you will be all too familiar with the unwanted headline-hitting reports of pest infestations.  Imagine the horror being told that your kitchens are being plagued by rats or mice. If not taken care of quickly, it could be enough to close you down.

Pest infestations always attract unwanted publicity and can be catastrophic for your reputation. When it comes to food hygiene and public health, the law is packed with regulations to protect customers and staff. But don’t despair – it can be very simple to prevent these risks with a regular business pest control agreement.

 Prevention is better than the cure

Setting up a business service agreement is the most effective way of preventing an outbreak of unwanted visitors. After all, there is nothing more off-putting for a hotel guest than to discover bed bugs in their room or rats in the gardens. Not to mention cockroaches in the kitchen!

Don’t underestimate the damage that these unwelcome critters can do either.  Mice and rats are well known for gnawing through cables and pipes, creating a major fire or flood risk. They also pose a high risk of food contamination, increasing the risk of food poisoning outbreaks and the ensuing damage to your reputation as a result. By setting up a regular service contract with Bailey Pest Control, we can help your business control all these infestations, and many more.

Benefits of having a regular business agreement

A regular pest control contract provides peace of mind. Each agreement is tailored to your own business needs and premises and covers all forms of pest infestation. The contract can run for any agreed period of time – it is totally flexible.

With a pest contract you get:

  • Assurance that potential pest threats are managed before they become a problem
  • Regular monitoring and control by highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals
  • Reduced risk of prosecution or premises closure by demonstrating the correct procedures are in place to prevent an infestation
  • Comprehensive records and documentation of all actions taken
  • Reduction or removal of risk of food contamination or damage to property
  • A friendly, personalised service designed to meet your business’s individual needs

So what is included in the service agreement?

Each pest control contract is set up following a FREE initial site survey to establish your own business’s needs. Your comprehensive agreement will detail the preventative measures to be taken and the management reporting procedures that will be used. Importantly, your contract will be supported with all the documentation required to demonstrate that you have carried out ‘due diligence’, providing protection against possible law cases. All records and documentation satisfy the Environmental Health officer’s inspections.

Don’t leave your business exposed to pests

Put simply, don’t leave your pest control to chance. Taking action before an outbreak occurs is the most effective way of ensuring you have minimised any risk to your business – financially, operationally or to your reputation. Of course, should the worst happen, we will be on hand to deal with any outbreaks as soon as they occur.

Call us today on 01273 775941 to arrange your free site survey then relax knowing that you will be professionally supported round the clock.

Posted in Bed bugs brighton, Fleas, Lewes, Moles, Pest Control Brighton, Rats.